5 Pollutants That Affect Water Quality


Water is the lifeblood of our species. Without it, we would all cease to exist within days, which highlights the importance of having clean, uncontaminated, unpolluted water.

But what if the water we were drinking and bathing in wasn’t as clean as we believed? Worryingly, many of our water sources are contaminated with a range of pollutants, which highlights the need to choose a reliable weather company for your business.

In this post, we’ll cover five of the most common pollutants, as well as explaining how choosing the right supplier can mitigate some of the risk.


In the past you’d have been forgiven for thinking there was no way sewage would find its way anywhere near our waterways. But in recent years, water companies have been pumping more and more human waste into our rivers and seas. This has resulted in an increasing number of people getting sick after going wild swimming.

When untreated sewage finds its way into water bodies, this introduces harmful pathogens and bacteria, leading to contamination. Indeed, the presence of faecal matter in water poses severe health risks and can cause diseases like cholera, typhoid fever and serious gastrointestinal illnesses.


By now, most of us are aware of the potential dangers pesticides and fertilisers pose. This is reflected in the rapidly-expanding organic fruit and veg market, which more buyers are turning to in order to avoid consuming these chemicals.

But what many aren’t aware of is pesticides and fertilisers also find their way into our water bodies. Rain and irrigation wash away these chemicals, carrying nitrogen, phosphorus and various potentially harmful pesticides into rivers, lakes and groundwater reserves.

If levels of nutrients from fertilisers become out of control, this can cause algae to proliferate which in turn depletes oxygen levels, harms aquatic life and makes the water unsuitable for consumption.

Pharmaceutical Products

Whether it’s as a result of improper disposal or excretion through sewage or wastewater systems, pharmaceutical products are a large contributor to water pollution.

Active pharmaceutical ingredients such as contraceptives, antibiotics, antidepressants and blood thinners, among others, can persist in water sources, even after thorough treatment processes have been carried out.

This can potentially disrupt endocrine systems and pose health risks for both humans and aquatic life, demonstrating how big of a concern this silent, unseen danger actually is.


It’s no exaggeration to say that plastic is everywhere these days. It’s in the food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe. Worryingly, research suggests it could have severe health consequences.

Microplastics, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of larger plastic, find their way into our waterways and have been detected in oceans, rivers and drinking water.

Moreover, these tiny particles not only contaminate drinking water sources but also accumulate in fish and other aquatic organisms. So if you’re a lover of seafood and you’re worried about the amount of microplastic you’re consuming, you may want to consider the source of the food you’re buying.


Although this is less of a concern here in the UK where water is treated before being consumed, in communities that rely on untreated sources, parasites are a real cause for concern.

Parasites can thrive in untreated water, and for those unlucky enough to digest them these can cause potentially severe health issues such as gastrointestinal issues upon ingestion.

So those are five pollutants  commonly found in bathing and drinking water. As well as sewage, fertilisers and pesticides, pharmaceuticals and microplastics may also be present.

As you can see, there could be some pretty nasty stuff lurking in your water. This merely highlights the importance of finding a reliable supplier that properly treats its water.

Here at SwiftSwitch, we can help you do just that. As a water broker, it’s our job to scour the market and put you in touch with the best water companies around, matching your needs and preferences to help you find the right supplier.

We’ll also take into consideration key factors such as performance and price, before providing a number of options for you to choose from. This takes the legwork out of finding the right supplier, simplifying the process and allowing you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

So if you’re concerned about the quality of your water and you’re keen to avoid companies with such a poor track record, speak to us today and we’ll be happy to help you compare business water supplier.

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