Report: Investment Needed To Improve Country’s Water Infrastructure


Independent advisors have told the government that investment is needed to improve infrastructure and boost economic growth if the country is to meet climate goals.

The latest five-yearly review conducted by the National Infrastructure Commission – named the Second National Infrastructure Assessment – aims to set out a programme for the country’s energy, utilities and transport infrastructure.

Following the review, several recommendations were made, some of which concern the country’s ageing water supply infrastructure.

The review said additional infrastructure was needed to improve efficiency and reduce leakage, while it also recommended introducing compulsory water metering as part of efforts to reduce water consumption.

Other recommendations included urgently implementing reforms to meet a 65 per cent recycling target by 2035 phasing out energy from waste plants that do not include carbon capture facilities.

The report says that in order to rebalance its economic geography, meet climate obligations and enhance the natural environment, significant public and private investment will be needed in the coming years and decades.

In fact, the Commission calculates that the government will need to contribute around £30 billion per year in investment until 2040 in order to make the necessary improvements.

How Can You Reduce Wastage And Save Money?

As a business owner, you’ll want to reduce your outgoings as much as possible. After all, boosting your bottom line is what it’s all about, so anything that allows you to do that should be welcomed with open arms!

Other than switching your water supplier, there are many ways you can reduce your water bills. The first and most obvious is to check there are no leaks in your pipework. Leaks will put a literal drain on your business’ funds, so be sure to give your piping a check over every once in a while.

You should also keep an eye on your bills. If there are any leaks then these will usually show as a sudden spike in your usage, so regularly monitoring your bills can help spot these early. This is important as the longer the leak is left the more you’ll end up paying for it!

Something else to consider is a water audit where professional water auditors will go to your business premises and identify potential leak sources.

As well as spotting leaks, this can also highlight inefficiencies and help to streamline your water system. This may involve upgrading older equipment, adopting smart monitoring solutions and training your staff to use your resources more efficiently which can all reduce bills and further your ecological efforts.

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