Team GB Windsurfer Training Abroad Due To Sewage Concerns


It’s safe to say the water sector has taken a bit of a beating in recent times, with a constant stream of bad press highlighting a plethora of issues.

And the embarrassing reports just keep pouring in, as a Team GB windsurfer has been forced to train overseas due to the amount of sewage in British water.

As reported by the London Economic, Sarah Jackson spoke to Sky News and described the sewage problem in the UK as “pretty horrific” while revealing she’s having to prepare for this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris on foreign shores.

Just last month, the Guardian reported that Waterborne diseases such as dysentery and Weil’s disease have risen by 60 per cent since 2010 in England, while an analysis of NHS hospital admissions by the Labour Party also found that the number of people admitted to with diseases transmitted via waterborne infection has increased from 2,085 in 2010-11 to 3,286 in 2022-23.

All this comes amid reports of record sewage spills, with Environment Agency data showing there were 3.6m hours of discharge into our rivers and seas last year, which represented a 129 per cent increase on the previous 12 months.

With more raw sewage in our rivers and seas, this means there is a higher risk of infections and waterborne diseases as people come into contact with the bacteria from human waste, so it’s no surprise to see more people getting sick.

Likewise, it’s no surprise to see athletes like Sarah Jackson making their preparations elsewhere, as nobody wants to train in potentially dangerous waters that could make you sick!

Ms Jackson, from Knutsford, said: “This being Britain, where rainfall is very high, and because I have to train in all weathers, there were some days when I was basically surfing in a sewer.

“That’s not just unpleasant, it’s actually health threatening, but it’s opened my eyes to the problem of pollution in our waterways, not just from sewage but from chemicals and plastics, too.”

Concerned by what she’s witnessed during her time in the water, Ms Jackson is now an ocean ambassador for the Marine Conservation Society, a UK-based charity that campaigns for the protection of UK and global waters from overfishing, as well as protecting and restoring marine life and limiting pollutants like sewage and plastics.

“Because I spend so much time on the water – not just in the UK but around the world – I see at very close quarters the damage the human race is inflicting on the marine environment,” Ms Jackson said, “and that’s why I’m supporting the Marine Conservation Society.”

Choosing The Right Water Company

This latest embarrassing report highlights once again that some of the country’s water companies are failing to deliver a satisfactory service whilst putting the health of the public at risk.

This is why it’s never been more important to know you’re with a supplier which prioritises the interests of its customers and the environment.

One way to find a water company that aligns with your environmental ethos is to compare business water suppliers with a broker like ourselves. There are many different suppliers on the market and each of them offers something slightly different.

While some offer the best prices on water rates, others may have more of an environmental focus. So if you’re looking to take your business to a greener water supplier, we can help you find the right company.

As a broker, we’ll start by discussing your needs and preferences, before using that information to source a number of options. We’ll offer detailed information on these different suppliers, tariffs and pricing structures, so you’ll have all the information you need to make your choice.

So if you’re keen to partner with a supplier that’s performing well and you’d like to avoid the ones that are clearly putting profit before all else, get in touch as we’d be happy to help you compare business water suppliers.

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