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The Welsh Water Retail Market

Since 2017, businesses in Wales have benefitted from an open retail market, allowing them to choose their supplier. If you own a business, public sector organisation or charity, you may be eligible to switch suppliers to get the best deal possible.

When it comes to sourcing the best deal, reliability is just as important as cost. So by switching suppliers, business owners can team up with a supplier that best meets their specific needs; one that has experience of working within their particular sector or industry.

Can your business switch water suppliers in Wales?

If your main business premises is located in Wales then you may be eligible to switch your water supplier. However, it depends on how much water your business uses.

The threshold is 50 million litres per year. If you’re using above this amount, then you’ll be able to switch suppliers. If not, then unfortunately you’ll need to stay with your current, regional supplier.

When the water retail market was brought in, one of the main reasons for doing so was to encourage competition. By creating a competitive landscape, this allows organisations to find the cheapest business water rates, seek out better deals, make savings, enjoy better customer service and reduce water consumption by switching water suppliers.

It also encourages companies to deliver the best services possible in the knowledge others are ready to snap up your custom if they fail!

If you’re considering switching, you’ll be glad to know the process of changing retailers or setting up new water connections is a lot easier than it sounds. Usually, it only takes around a month to complete the process and once you’re set up you’re ready to reap the rewards of your improved deal!

How to switch water suppliers with SwiftSwitch

Finding a new business water supplier in Wales couldn’t be more straightforward when you have a dedicated broker such as Swift Switch guiding you through the process every step of the way.

As a water broker, we do all the legwork, simplifying the process by comparing all the different deals available to your business. This helps us find the best deals out there, saving you time and money.

By comparing deals with us, it’s possible you could save up to 30% on your water bills, while also enjoying more flexible billing options and better customer service… Can you really afford to pass up such savings?

If you’re considering switching, the first step is to check if your company is eligible. This will be fully assessed by your water retailer so you should speak to your current supplier who can advise. Alternatively, we can carry out some preliminary checks to assess whether you’re able to switch.

Save up to 30% on your water bills

With Swiftswitch ‘s convenient comparison tool, simply enter your business’s postcode and receive personalised water quotes instantly.

Let’s save you some money. We’ll search the market to find you the best water rates in town!