Our Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Switch Business Water


As a business owner, one of your most important jobs is to cut your outgoings by as much as possible. One way to do that is by getting the best deal on your utilities, as these tend to be one of your biggest costs.

However, many businesses decide to stay with the same supplier, simply because they’re worried about the complications of switching. But this is a mistake, not least because the process is extremely straightforward when you know how.

To clear up any doubts or confusion and ensure you know how to get the wheels in motion on your switch, here’s our step-by-step guide to changing water suppliers as painlessly as possible.

Step 1 – Check Your Current Contract

The first step to switching your water supplier is to find out whether leaving your current supplier is going to cost you. Some companies will charge you for exiting your contract before the fixed term has ended, so check your contract or speak to your supplier to see where you stand with this.

In some cases, the exit fee will be small, and you may save much more by switching, so it’s always worth checking.

If your initial fixed term with your current supplier has ended then chances are you’re on a higher tariff. If that’s the case, you’ll be paying more than you should so it’s time to find a better deal!

Step 2 – Find A Water Bill

To find the best deals and get a clear picture of how much you can save, you’ll need to find a recent bill from your current supplier. This will contain key information such as the amount you’re paying per unit, along with standing charges for your meter. This info can then be used to compare deals.

Step 3 – Assess Your Water Goals

The first step to finding a new business water deal is to assess what you’re looking for in your new supplier and tariff. Are you trying to find the cheapest option on the market? Perhaps you’re also looking for a greener company with a strong environmental focus.

With potentially dozens of options on the table, these are all considerations to make and assessing your water goals and needs beforehand will simplify the process when you come to choosing your new deal.

Step 4 – Compare Suppliers And Deals

The next step is to find a reliable price comparison site like SwiftSwitch as we’ll help you find a supplier and tariff that meets your water requirements.

We partner with a number of reputable and trusted water suppliers to provide our clients with the best options for their water needs.

So whether you’re looking for the most cost-effective deal, sustainable options or a company that puts a strong focus on customer service, we can help take the pain out of searching for your new deal, saving you time, money and a whole lot of stress in the process!

Step 5 – Submit Details

Now it’s time to submit a few details and the broker (hopefully us!) will give you a quick call to discuss your water needs. We’ll use this info to find a selection of deals that best suit what you’re looking for.

Your broker should be able to answer any questions you have and advise which deal they believe suits your needs and desires the best. They’ll also be able to discuss the contract terms to give you a clear understanding of the deals on the table, so don’t forget to ask any questions you have so you know the exact terms of the contract before you commit.

Then you’ll need to decide which deal you’d like to go with, and you’ll be ready to switch business water suppliers.

Step 6 – Finalise Your Switch

Once you’ve settled on a supplier and tariff, it’s time to finalise your water switch. This will usually involve providing payment details or setting the direct debit with your new supplier. You might also need to set up an online account and supply meter readings to calculate your final bill with your old supplier, but this will all be explained at the time.

We will usually notify your old supplier of your switch, or you may prefer to do that yourself – again, this would be discussed when you make your switch.

You’ll also need to finalise any outstanding bills and charges with your old supplier. And that’s pretty much all there is to it! Once you’ve done this, your water switch will be complete.

As you can see, by partnering with a dedicated broker, you can let them do much of the legwork – all you’ll need to do is decide which of the options is right for you and we’ll do the rest.

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